Aight so those of you may know about the up and coming TBA bouldering competition, but for those of you who dont.. here's the low down!!!
The "Triple Bouldering Bash" is going to be made up of 3 competitions over the next 3 months. First comp being this wednesday February 3rd, second being on March 3rd, and the third being on April 7th. Also there are gonna be cash purses at the third comp for the overall winners in each category!!
-Competition Format-
So theres gonna be 12 problems, and each hold is going to be worth a certain point value. Also your only gonna be allowed 10 tries per problem.. So make your efforts count!!!
Also be sure to bring some extra dough to purchase some raffle tickets! We're gonna have some sick ish to raffle off thanks to the comps sponsors, and we's gonna get rid of it all!!
Here is a list of the sponsors so far!
Hope you cats are syked on this shit! We're cleaning/setting the next few days, and its been a minute since ive sat down and set so these problems are guaranteed to be dope!!!!
Hope to see ya there!
Jimmy, it's Dave from Ottawa Canada. We climbed on a couple tours in Hueco together in Jan 2009.
There's a HUGE comp up here coming up. Part of the Tour de Bloc, it's being held in my home town, Ottawa. Feb 20 at Coyote rock gym (my home gym). It will be the biggest competition ever in Canada with $4000.00 in cash alone I've heard.
You and Kasia should make the trek up here. I can hook you up with places to stay, logistics etc.
I wouldn't normally mention it, but there's so much $ and you and Kasia can probably do really well!
email me at ottawaclimbing@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Are you guys gonna be letting the setters compete like your past comps? If so, it hardly seems fair, especially with this format. Also, will the women and men be competing against each other in the same catagories as per the last comp? Again that doesn't seem fair for the females. Are you going to be open while your setting and allow people to see the problems?
I know this is a lot of questions, but myself and a few others have been bummed out by having no chance of placing at some of your comps in the past.
@Anonymous - I assume you're not talking to me.
I believe they were directing that question towards me. And we've never had setters compete! The only setters who have competed are me and Voges. Obviously because we were litterally the ONLY two people in that category. If we were to come in and there were people wanting to climb in open then we would not compete. SIMPLE. And yea women and men are going to be in the same category, unless there were to be atleast 3 women show up in the same category. Otherwise it would be a gimme for you! and what kind of competition is that?
Also, yes the gym is going to be open for anyone to see these boulders. We obviously dont let people climb on them, but we're not going to close down the gym just for a small locals comp. No one here is taking this ish really seriously. We're not hosting the Mammut Gravity Brawl or anything.. we're just trying to host a fun comp to get the community together and pull down!! Im sorry if you guys feel as if you can't win, but to be honest thats the game when you compete... I myself have done TONS of competing in categories where i had NO chance.. Nothing to get bummed about, its just how it goes. Haha, like everytime i pay 100 dollars for nationals, and drive 17 hours to compete against the likes of PROB and Daniel... i know im gonna get smashed!
But i go anyway for the overall experience, and the training sesh! So, if you feel as if you want to compete against the females, thats fine! Just try and bring in atleast three friends that compete in your category and we'll split it up for ya!
Hope to see ya there.
Thanks for the heads up! Sounds like it would be a sick time! We'll have to wait and see though... Nationals is the weekend before, and the season is slowly winding down around here sooo we may wanna stick around and take advantage of the good temps! We'll let you know though!
Thanks again!
"myself and a few others have been bummed out by having no chance of placing at some of your comps in the past."
what a crazy thing to say! is a comp any more or less fun going in knowing if you'll place or not? just try harder and BEAT THE GUYS! :)
The comp was sick and the setting was stout. you guys did a sick job! thanks for pullin this whole thing together.
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